Expectations and Burnout

The {Missionary} Lifestyle

I used to think missionaries had a different lifestyle than "normal" people. And I thought if you moved overseas, your lifestyle would change.

Sometimes it does. Sometimes people are bolder and more focused when they move and claim the occupation of missions. Sometimes their leadership qualities come alive and they push through the fears at the edges of their comfort zones.

Sometimes it happens like that, but I'm not so sure it's supposed to anymore.

In moving from Waco to Cambodia, my lifestyle hasn’t changed much. My occupation has, but my lifestyle hasn’t. There’s been nothing “radical” about this move except for the radical love for hammocks I’m developing. As I’ve thought about this lack of change, I’ve come to a conclusion: we, the Church, are confused. We’re confused about a lot of things, but in this case we’re confused about radical lifestyles, missionaries, and what God desires.

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